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Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
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作者 Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So
出版 香港城市大學
购书网站 【星易图书网】港台原版术数书籍专卖
图书书号/ISBN 9789629372361
初版日期 2015
开本 16开
图书页数 328
图书装订 平裝
购书网址 www.xinyibooks.com
图书规格 英文橫排
套册 一套一册
繁體資料 Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
特别说明 商品属性以实际书籍为准。库存状况无法实时更新,如欲查询,请联系我们


 Feng Shui is not all about tradition. The integration and harmony between the natural and built environments concerning modern architecture has long been discussed in Feng Shui, or more academically, Kan Yu.

Based on Scientific Feng Shui for the Built Environment: Fundamentals and Case Studies published in 2011, this enhanced new edition has further taken into account the enhancements and new inputs in theories and applications. Emphasis is placed on two themes, sustainability and science. New case studies regarding sustainable design as viewed from a Feng Shui perspective, and integrated applications of different architectural models and their associations with Feng Shui concepts are added and elaborated. On science, other than exploring the new development of particle physics in relation to Feng Shui studies, a totally new approach to numerology and Luo Shu study based on modern linear algebra may bring readers new insight into the possibility of researching Feng Shui mathematically, in addition to the use of spherical trigonometry.

This book offers a remarkable in-depth view of Feng Shui by integrating the historical theories with scientific explorations and examples of applications. It once again demonstrates that Feng Shui can be studied scientifically, and eventually scientific Feng Shui may become a new field of science in the academic world as well as a professional and orthodox discipline of architectural design for the built environment.


  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
  • Michael Y. Mak.Albert T. So:Scientific Feng Shui For the Built Environment Theories and Applications
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